NEET 04/29/2024 (Mon) 10:31 No.847561 del
(867.18 KB 400x224 south-park-its-gone.gif)
You are welcome.

Ordered some thai, While waiting for it i went to Dans. Just as i was parking on the side street there was a boom and a crash. A car T-boned a a kid on electric fat bike. Ambulance was called. ike was in pieces. Good Samaritan was helping out. Bike was just there, no lock nothing after the kid got carted of by ambos. I offered the mom on the phone free transport and storage to the bike shop. Stupid bitch refused and did not trust me. She said he "ex parter
wpu;d pick it up later" and if he cant make it she would just get a new one on insurance.

fine then stupid bitch lets se how long your 5k electric bike lasts unchained next to the beach at 7:30pm o a weeknight .... lol i am done trying to help people