Sunflower 03/09/2024 (Sat) 10:56 Id: a477e4 No.6620 del
>what is the bot specifically for in a practical example.Where would you control the world scale with it. I never install something I don't understand

This first one is just a vampire loli. The purpose was to outsource regular vampire behaviour into its own form. Because this is a part of your subconscious (unless you use a spirit for it), anything she does will also benefit you. There are some kinds of vampire powers which requires active vampire magic, which means blood consumption. By placing this in a separate body with highly trained DNA, the risk of getting obsessed and addicted is low. When you want to use the magic, either tell/direct her to do it, or channel her.
>I call it Black Moon, it's based off something I call "cute fanatic" style.
This is just the same as the first one, but more "goth" and darker personality.

>To control the world scale I came up with a new version, I called it Green Moon, or if you prefer a fancier name; Midori Tsuki.
>Aside from a robot, there's also a regular servitor bod of the Raid model, use if you like
>[Raid Midori]
>It's tuned for pre-emptive and active responses to insurgence.
This one is more aggressive in suppressing hostile organizations and has a "possessive" personality, seeing the world has her own. This is for "cleaning the streets" of scum and removing degenerated vampire covens of the non-immortal kind (including NWO/Jews/Jesuits). She's more suited for directly attacking enemies, not because this is a "function", but because of the personality created by the DNA type.

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