Bedrolls? Proficiency? Why not have a treat? Joy the DM 05/09/2024 (Thu) 01:34 No.4228 del

>what's the advantage over doing this in excel?

Probably nothing for you, but it's simpler for fast paced action The shortcuts are easier to update during battle and the character sheet is then just for reference. This is what SheShe's team uses to keep track of what moves they can make, what spells are available and any other notes that are relevant for battle.

>what about the waterproof hoods? 9sp is a lot 18 for Yulya and Cat

These niceties are important for a long trip. I am keeping track of the way you are treating yourselves (or your headmates) and you will gain inspiration if treated well and lose it if treated poorly. One level per day, four levels of hardship and you will have Apathy causing a drop of charisma by 4, a disadvantage on death saving throws, and on Dexterity checks for initiative.

Ashley is -3 currently and needs to treat herself several days in a row to make up for it, she's doing that.

Don't worry about her comfort though, it was her choice to decouple. She's planning on sleeping as a panther and panthers will be happy up some tree. She also has stealth, survival, and true sight in that form so she will have no issues keeping safe at night.

About that, if she transforms, she won't transform back until she sleeps at least one hour and then regains consciousness and she can dump her mana and remain in that form indefinitely.

Your comfort on the other hand should be a concern

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