Alice 05/10/2024 (Fri) 13:05 No.4238 del
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>As you all pick up to leave you notice Freya placing something on the wall.
Alice looks at the poster, tilting her head and wondering if adventurers actually read such announcements. Probably not. It wouldn't be surprising to see some rough guy with a brand new shiny black leopard fur decoratively draped over his back in the coming days unless Ashley is careful.

>someone bumps Cat and she feels her purse tugged
No shit, that's why your gold is sceured in the Alice piggybank. Wait, I'm not a pig. Lolibank!

Going from shop to shop, the same scene repeats. After Yulya states the needed goods too the shopowner and a price is negotiated, Alice pukes the exact amount of gold coins onto the counter. Slightly wet but perfectly clean. Much to the shopkeeper's surprise, but money is money and no further questions are asked.

A complete list of items as requested is in progress, please wait warmly while we work this out