NEET 06/20/2023 (Tue) 07:40 No.717161 del
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Tomorrow night on womboflix...
'Cobra Kai'' - thirty-four years after being defeated by Daniel LaRusso in the 1984 All-Valley Karate Tournament, Johnny Lawrence, now in his 50s, suffers from alcoholism and depression. He works as a part-time handyman, and lives in an apartment in Reseda, Los Angeles, having fallen far from the wealthy lifestyle in Encino that he had been accustomed to growing up.

On Saturday we are showing the japanese movie Angel Dust(1994), which is vaguely similar to Silence Of The Lambs - a dark film about a young female forensic psychiatrist chasing down a serial killer while struggling with her own demons.

Then on Sunday Nicole Kidman stars in BMX Bandits (1983). I dunno what it's about, but think it might have some bmx's in it.