NEET 11/14/2023 (Tue) 06:02 No.770433 del
(67.56 KB 1000x1000 sapu.jpg)
I finished my shift
last night I called my dad and apparently the old gooner wants to get a job on the construction site as a machine operator
the trouble
>he's 50 smth and his health is not that good
>he had jobs for 2 years combined in his entire life (despite working like a madman at the crops and hives)
>the company is notorious for overworking his employees to the point where half of them get back pain and quit within the first month
>he thinks he'll only operate the machines
>the animals, the hives, and the land will all be gone due to the lack of time
jesus man it's so fucking sad to think that despite working his entire life, he'll be forced to get a job in his old age while also losing the animals
my mom pushes him to do that without realizing that will ruin him
she told me there's no other way; everything started breaking apart and there's no money to fix anything
I feel like it's my fault because ever since I moved in this rat cage shithole they helped me with rent whenever they could
next year I should have finished college
but now all I can do is half play the guitar at the expense of my dad's health