NEET 03/09/2024 (Sat) 21:12 No.825938 del
(53.52 KB 1248x606 bloody pepe.jpg)
Why didnt you just disgregard the so called rules? Looking back at my life I have always been trouble for these shitty sherriffs with tin plated stars pushing the ZOG order. And more often than not, my instincts have been exactly correct. I am Pavlov's fifth type of man and hence the petulant, immature BO's with their misbegotten edicts and selective rule enforcement will have a problem with me.

This is so sad, that sheila is so niaeve she is overjoyed that she has a man to go forward and have a family with but she has landed a handsome man-child with his wedding sneakers and his you tube clown antics. The indignity here is deep cringe because of the disappointment and sadness and frustration to come into her life. I know this because I have seen the outcome. But get some lulz from it because tiktok hey.

I am the board bad-ass. I'm here to ruin your vibe.