NEET 03/13/2024 (Wed) 12:19 No.827339 del
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Last time I met a gall he said something that sounded like 10 words made up of only vowels jammed together. Aeuioieioaayyiouu. Replying confidently in the affirmative I was treated to a second barrage of meaningless vowels, trying to mentally process what could have been either a foreign language, the effects of inflight alcohol on a man from Suffolk, or profound mental retardation. I asked the man what time it was, and looking at his watch then the flight list he said aeuiuoouayiooi, demonstrating that he understood English and thought an English speaker might understand him. Cutting to the chase I asked him where he was from and somewhere in the shidhkebab of vowels I made out the word waaaeiels. The man was welsh and speaking English.