Bernd 04/28/2024 (Sun) 14:52 No.51931 del
Some map wankery related to this >>51902
The breakthrough at Ocheratine and how it "bloomed" from April 22nd to 28th (today). It will be interesting to follow how it develops.
Made an animated gif how the breakthrough and bloom at Popasna happened. Two gifs, with 1s and 0.5s refresh rate. I'll try to post 4 key moments in the next post of the evolution of the front.
There were some back and forth, AFU managed to push back at places, so here at Ocheratine this also can be expected, but I think it's established enough that they won't retake the place. At best they might stop the further expansion from there in the near future (on longer run I believe the Russians will push forward).