Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 10:48 Id: 4df406 No.93484 del
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Alright will keep that in mind later
>read the document, they show crime statistics but those statistics are controlled by the elite, and it doesn't show whether they were criminals and savages by nature or not
On crime stqts there must be understood the proportion than percentage itself which hasbara or simple shill fear
>So is there any evidence that shows blacks are the apes they actually are?
Try to dig into historical records from colonial era and just for the start look into africa addio documentary on yt original italian cut with subtitles
Maybe if i manage to find it i can also send the genetics of a nigger and how they have dementia in the genes
Or if you can manage to get in the contact you can ask those who were suicidal enough to be in africa as humanitarian help workers
Depends which and what ones
There is not much problem with artstyle itself if made actually properly and not to be an power point slideshow with extra steps
However as i look on present state of that genre it would need an same treatement as book burning in 1933 or that certain scene in jin roh wolf brigade and that raid in sewers
> to it like some weird fucking weeaboo, and if you have a 2D waifu
I never understood those who obsess over waifu nonsense like that character exists in reality

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