Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 11:13 No.10025 del
Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0a28fe146ed6d80f2e5f2921f1cd39400aa794b2&dn=Ponibooru-Select-Safe
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmeWeDr8xWE9b8vrWjeQBt6B4ivELdDiR6SFgNqVEc9o7s <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Ponibooru-Select-Safe"
. size? 22.15-GiB folder /ipfs/QmWjwSx6GzCTBb7Prv2RCqSyMyRrDoyocryJgPrdqMUvTo - many files, took about 1 hour 30 min.
. note? these blocks should deduplicate with Ponibooru-All-Safe QmPV...VE2v >>9967

Piece of shit. It processed 71.78 GiB of data 5.5 times instead of just one time:
>bash: break: only meaningful in a
while', or `until' loop [but if I put break straight in the loop and not the function then it doesn't work right]

So use sleep instead - something like this:
>$ a() { ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "foldername" && sleep 1234567890; }
>$ while [ true ]; do utc; ps -o etime 2150952 || a; utc; sleep 100; done # ctrl+c later on
What I got five times:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d9b91b3c4a3adc82b60e5c77d64faef501b9eadf&dn=xbooru.com_some_irl_porn
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZ9BxQRkBUJcdzY9SykwsdKmYD4VpqnfDfXwAxmEY5WyU <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 EYrD2qXcEYyvgxh0"
. size? 38.36-GiB folder /ipfs/QmY4jZnDckozHKerJXpWeKJnsLy4P8pZiZRtYsw22PT9CT - took about 1 hour

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