Anon 03/26/2024 (Tue) 21:09 No.10035 del
> EdgeOfEverfree - Pinkie Pie (Krypto...) [.mp4]
> >>7888
> Speaking of trying to remember music, your post caused me to look up and find a song, a parody of Kryptonite by Three Doors Down with honestly some pretty cleaver lyrics even if I consider the vocals a little weak at times.
I see an MP3 of that track in the Everfree_Radio_RIP torrent:
. magnet link, QmU6...xpZy >>10017
.. 1057481733 8112446 [b'4everfreebrony - Sister Luna (Scars On 45 ponified).mp3']
.. 18996375452 9438326 [b'EdgeOfEverfree - Pinkie Pie (Kryptonite Parody).mp3']
.. etc.

Posts >>9153 and >>9460 - QmSK...p3CG links incl.:
. PMV_-_Kryptonite-Cupcakesyumy-20120417*
. 4everfreebrony\ -\ Sister\ Luna*


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