Anon 03/28/2024 (Thu) 12:23 No.10048 del
"LARGE" folder copied to cold storage (picrel):
. what? "WARC:"
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3850e42c8449a43e2959db46ad4985ded54408aa&
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUkD1dQv74Jk1e8q37QtZBi1KEn6KEJXuRXNH6Wt9LzKn <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576"
. size? 897.93-GiB file /ipfs/Qmb1fUSGTq9eWBNQZ5GVcbTxE7Zt6g4m8bBu78qFf49UY9 - "CumulativeSize: 964188102843 [bytes]"
. time? HDD->HDD: about 20.5 hours, second pass = 2024-03-27T15:14:37.340771674Z -> roughly 2024-03-28 12:00:01 GMT (1711552477 -> 1711627201)

Also copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d1aa126382dc10a39de2f1734d94a6b5bc07c632&
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYwf7wEd8GgTZskqRAFJ2m7mdL6RJjyiuKVGfvMEbupAu <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576"
. size? 72.24-GiB file /ipfs/QmcgsyY9gbgW64mMBnRuwq8aw4NnRZPtD7iUqQUT1u6pkN - 77563427419 bytes, finished at 2024-03-26T21:31:26.987727686Z

More like 600 MB of free RAM as of now. Run in screen because you basically can't disown this process:
>$ ssh maincomp@ 'cat /path/to/' | ipfs dag import --stats #
HPC stats before I deleted all non- data in there a day or two ago:
>[uptime:] 50-11:34:45

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