Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 02:14 No.10084 del
Trying to host all of Ponibooru Restored in HPC, I saw that I ran out of disk space even though I have hundreds of megabytes free ("df -h"). Errors:
>Error: import failed at block "QmPi1Y9gMXnMUD6cHKxbAeusfqNvXGTFNMc6hqSsdcfvBv": open ...: no space left on device
>ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘.../.ipfs/blocks/6G/’: No space left on device

After researching, I saw this - - which says to run "df -i". Sure enough, that shows that I ran out of inodes; I never had that happen before. I have a total of about 212,693 + 212693 inodes with 67,594 free in /tmp and zero free in /.

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1cff264164d87168a6c11c5664c48792029044b2
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVbi85nA1YV1jodUnQ6t6UdRDC1EqeU6PuGXGi1Xc1kUB <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S04D01.iso"
. size? 7.17-GiB file /ipfs/QmS6TKkT7wRreiYfhXiJGoh5FHu2d7XE7j2LJ3LsU2zAKf - from 2024-03-30T23:13:20.478187417Z -> 2024-03-30T23:53:09.042587836Z
. note? "MLP DVD Season 4 / YayPonies"
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:534b640871a65134d3ee20e3b30bc1ebc91b48a4
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYCihDvVXxRds7hky3PqtYPnS6ohLGJTxnVGKDTNTDgis <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S04D02.iso"
. size? 5.60-GiB file /ipfs/QmeAUpSjmLPCi1gPJyg3xLWiU9u4vB6huD4WjDDqjLsiNa - from 2024-03-30T23:54:13.500993709Z -> 2024-03-30T23:58:49.384055944Z
. note? "MLP DVD Season 4 / YayPonies"

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