Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:08 No.10113 del
>Going with the non-repartition solution for now...
Some info for that - ponibooru_60k is this: /ipfs/QmS4EfzF2rQir4ZbE7zdTu46YyAVvY43STEwhzJN7CRzFF

>small channel

no pink posts here (any last50):

>Oh, are you scraping the JS ponies from Derpi?
I used vim -- NVIM v0.6.1 -- to get all of the .gif file URLs that load from .js (I think today I was significantly faster at doing such a thing than I was in the past). I think Derpi only uses one .js file to load them, so that covers all cases (different overlay GIFs load based on character tags). All of those GIF animations are in:
. warc.gz
. cdx

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