Anon 04/06/2024 (Sat) 17:16 No.10143 del
Comments on that EQD-featured PMV were deleted, and I didn't see them here:

>z1 data (was looking for z6)
Maybe I should physically label my storage devices for better organization. Multiple of them look the same, and I don't know which are which. I'm on to z2 (Power_On_Hours=5432 which is >4000, zpool health=ONLINE, speed=sluggish): syncing blocks from it to another HDD now. (Also, I moved blocks+pins from $HOME/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs/ to zb which freed up 3 GiB.) I've been putting data back online now that I am using spinning media in HPC instead of ramdisk(s); it's slower, but more can be stored and online at a time. Such as picrel and another video:
.. Applejack is treated like a background pony in this video.
. >>9417 npr
.. related to /z9/youtube/ItzSpecky_UC-ws_qzOMbh1T8E4Vw6cFeg/MLP_SFM_After_Dark_PMV-ItzSpecky-20220927-youtube-1280x720-tnjXMKGIgqI.mp4

Computer HPC hosts data from a 5TB HDD, but for how long? Probably/hopefully multiple months, maybe not longer than one year or 6 months. HPC program uptime=60 days (and its OS isn't running on that HDD). The ext4 HDD that HPC uses will probably die in month(s), and that's the plan.