Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 02:19 No.10159 del
Found this to be maybe more interesting:
>(probably formerly)
It's an age restricted video which didn't play here:
That video contains role play, but I thought that was against the rules in 4chan /mlp/. Maybe it is allowed as long as it doesn't go too in depth

>magical mare piss
Reminds me of some video which I don't entirely remember where Fluttershy said something like "I poop rainbows and fart butterflies."

>two PTS videos from that channel
Both include ML audio. Video about fooling an LLM (AI/ML which predicts text based on text and/or a statistics-related representation of language as a result of lots of training data, parameters, and compute power) into saying things it was designed not to say:

An above post ITT says that an image was missing from a major WBM webpage. Timeline:
. broken before and as of
. fixed?
. fixed