Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 12:20 No.10175 del
>infection that my body has been trying to fight off leaving me exhausted!
Get well soon.

>and what you are doing with [IPFS]
Some of the things that I am doing:
. Self-hosting data, should be online for at least month(s). Repinning everything ITT and maybe in other threads or files into the online/hosting computer called HPC.
. "Mostly" done: backups of basically all of my Internet Archive website uploads and copies of basically all of the torrents that I downloaded.
. Sharing YouTube channels that I downloaded. Accessible via descriptive paths (descriptive folders+filenames) and via ".../video/youtube/watch/[videoID]/[file type of webm or mp4 or mkv]" thanks to IPFS's "block sharing and automatic file deduplication for the masses". Todo: add more YT folders to IPFS's MFS.
. Website WARCs by me and not me, and web replays by using Interplanetary Wayback (ipwb)
. Restored. Todo: switch JS file to the better one that I basically am done writing; add some of the webpages to in a CAR file which includes different mlp-related web data that I grabbed from opensea.
. Other "large" data/projects; syncing in blocks from other HDDs (takes days)
. Titled images/data; Various data or other stuff

>Accessibility, Apache server
Accessing IPFS data from an Apache (or nginx?) server is a bit like running your own local gateway, and it should be faster than accessing it from any remote gateway. Localhost and local IP address using HTTP still has that privacy concern. I referenced a fix for that in the past. I didn't implement that fix (yet?).