Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 06:47 No.10180 del
>but this goes for the other two the three contributors who have been contributing somewhat regularly over the past 4 months as well and any oldfags here, like YT!
Encouraging tech discussion as a secondary topic for archival related reasons?

I know some lurkers here wanted more of a focus on:
>Active archival is a major feature, but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation.
and were annoyed by archival derailing it. I understood where they were coming from in the sense that having 100 posts on random crap would derail more substantive discussion but /go/ was kind of like that already, just with a slower tempo. I think having a second, slower/random tempo thread for stuff is much better than trying to split this thread into two or three. A place to stash certain topics sounds way more sensible.

>Cozy Glow
Though such autism might make you pretty sick. Be careful and get well soon.

Might want to compress it down. Do you want him to post that exactly or just a synopsis of it?


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