Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 11:36 No.10249 del
That's retropony28's channel. Size of channel "/z9/youtube/retropony28_UCwCiXA60fbS3VCPsAaAxSDQ/" = 15 GB. Some of the videos in retropony28_UCwCiXA60fbS3VCPsAaAxSDQ (asc sort, to pEfmS1AKcPQ) =
Didn't fully/quickly understand this one
French FIM season 1 songs. Incl. "Winter Wrap Up", Cupcakes (French word "cupcakes" means "cupcakes"), and "Art of the Dress"; French Rarity works towards making a magnifique dress.
French FIM season 2 songs (also has such videos for S3, S4, S6). Incl. "Find a Pet".
French FIM season 1 songs, cinema style, diff compared to 9gq-Ce_w24E?
French FIM season 4 songs, incl. "Hearts Strong as Horses"
French FIM season 5 songs, incl. "The Pony I Want To Be".
FIM OP 1 (JP, not TV size), cinema style = a certain aspect ratio it seems

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