Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 12:12 No.10250 del
>> 32 bit computer
> As long as it's updated, it shouldn't be a problem.
What if it isn't? What if I went with the default software versions from that ISO file? I wonder if there is an "apt update"/"apt upgrade" thing which only applies critical security fixes, for those who only care about that. And such fixes should be available for "unsupported old distro versions". That computer isn't directly exposed to the Internet, because it is only reachable by the router's IP. It is as directly exposed over the Internet as being able to talk back and forth via popular protocols like HTTP. (I can ping online websites without failure.) Otherwise, it is in a local network ( behind a router, which that guy in youtube-zao2CUAP3dU said something about.

>Skipped Applejack
Not true. I wasn't paying attention or something.

>not TV size [I thought this because it is longer than 30 seconds]
Also incorrect. Mirai Start OP = 1min 30sec; full version = 4min 15sec

(Speaking of OPs in Japanese, one of the worst things about "My Hero Academia" in N*t*ix is that there isn't a translation of any of the opening and ending songs, and I checked English subtitles and English Closed Captions.)