Anon 04/28/2024 (Sun) 03:15 No.10273 del
>Cent OS
Yes, Cent OS was the open source version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, same system minus the enterprise grade support, which is payed for at a premium. The keyword was as Red Hat has tried to lock down access to what is free and open sourced software in a underhanded way that may not be technically violate the GPL but certainly violates the spirit of it.
Now, for your use case, that wouldn't be applicable as I believe Red Hat and any derivative of it have already dropped 32 bit support anyway, I am just saying it in case you didn't know the stupid drama with that.

>For years, I always disabled root login in /etc/passwd (setting it to /sbin/nologin or whatever).
Average live disc user has root completely accessible and sometimes completely out of date applications. I would probably check with a little scrutiny. I think if you weren't doing much internet stuff with it you are probably okay.

>. Neat that Debian still supports 32-bit. I hope it is or can be as lightweight as Lubuntu.
If your machine ran Ubuntu Debian with LXDE or XFCE (selected at install over specific versions now) should do fine. If you have never used Debian before it should be both familiar and a little alien at parts, but easy enough to learn.

>I think someone was automatically mirroring MLP boards, including /pone/; not sure how fast or expansive that effort was/is.
Someone was mirroring here, or 8chan's old /pone/? I have seen this /pone/, I guess I should say, /endpone/, mentioned from time to time but I am slightly surprised if someone had been archiving it outside of here.

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