Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 05:40 No.9112 del
>How bad is it for you?
I kinda don't want to think about it. I'll explain more later. Regarding a different HDD, I've learned the following. Constant usage for 4380 Power_On_Hours ("sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdx") = a hard drive which is basically near-death. At least that's the case with a certain Western Digital model. So, don't exceed 3500 or 4000 hours if it sees nearly constant usage (mostly at a speed of ~300 KiB/s to ~3 MiB/s in my case). This wasn't really unexpected to me, but now I have better numbers. 4,380 hours is like 7 months, and I didn't store very critical stuff on said 4380 hours HDD.

*>$ ipfs pin
*/$args; done

YouTube video from ipfs://QmY3Yiarfcg3w5bqa7LMJdcZngRffxFDLKPBDZYVK6H7BM