Anon 01/04/2024 (Thu) 02:43 No.9209 del
(195.87 KB 684x314 mgrifgljegn.png)
Was looking through some mostly 5TB HDDs for a folder with warc. Probably not in: z2 (Power_On_Hours=4863), z4 (dead), z6 (Power_On_Hours=2505), z7, z8, [ntfs] (Power_On_Hours=22656). So it might be in: z0, z1, z3, z5.

>dedicated computer
Offline for now: uptime at end was 9-00:25:54. "bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory" defeats the point of semi-remote usage of a computer when I gotta physically walk over to it to restart/fix it ("sudo reboot now" didn't work):
>$ ssh computer@10.0.[...]
>[kinda screwed with stuff for a while]
>$ free
>-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
>$ [almost any command]
>-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
>$ :(){ :|:& };: # fork bomb
>-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
>$ [...]
>-bash: xmalloc: .././bashhist.c:782: cannot allocate 1056 bytes (1458176 bytes allocated)
>Connection to 10.0.[...] closed.
>$ ssh computer@10.0.[...]

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