Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 01:13 No.9215 del
Something I was thinking of learning from "yt-dlp --help": how would I get yt-dlp to only download a video if its duration is under 1 hour?

>"[Carrot's Privateers]-Batsy-20220104-youtube-1920x1080-Euf2DO6cYQE.webm"
Based on "Barrett's Privateers" by Stan Rogers from the album/recording "Home in Halifax":
> "ipfs add -rHw Stan\ Rogers\ -\ Home\ in\ Halifax/" = online at ipfs://QmVAHowKHqEsHAeiCyX7dV5MvR2UkesE1QCbU35zuwL55Z and magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c0108c93a682939c059809021d6f11174730267b&dn=Stan%20Rogers%20-%20Home%20in%20Halifax& (source)
In that WebM file Applejack's lovely legs have to be amputated.