Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 14:22 No.9237 del
Ponychan will be shutting down tomorrow, January 7th, but in which timezone?

Download finished:
>.../warc/004/$ ls | wc -l; tail -fn4 wpull.log
>2024-01-06 06:50:38,127 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘>%20artist_tenchisamoshi%20big_macintosh%2.jpg’: 400 Bad Request. Length: 155 [text/html].
>2024-01-06 06:50:38,178 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - FINISHED.
>2024-01-06 06:50:38,179 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - Duration: 4:45:30. Speed: 918.8 KiB/s.
>2024-01-06 06:50:38,179 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - Downloaded: 62680 files, 5.6 GiB.

ignores file:

>>9235 cli program just doesn't like being disowned or exited on:

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