Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 03:18 No.9242 del
(1.44 MB 1024x3138 142985048281.png)
I have Ponychan basically up until 2024-01-06 09:05:00 UTC and not after. Unless I say so or someone suggests that I do it, not going to run another grab. Also I hope or assume will be updated with all of the last posts before shutdown (06/07 January 2024 posts). And anyone can do a 2023-01-07 grab of it right now if you have the software . Also any updates as to exactly when will disappear would be informative.

>Maybe GNU Screen would help.
It did help, ia CLI program no longer dies unexpectedly from disown or ssh exit (I think exit is what really killed it, it would work disowned but not exited from ssh session) - "GNU Screen Basic Tutorial" - first minutes explained here. How to use screen:
>$ screen
>$ # run command >>9241 which is "find[...]-type f[...]xargs[...]for args do[...]ia upload[...]pony[...]2020-04-06[...]done[...]"
>$ # when it is running press ctrl+ad (no ctrl keyup until you see "[detached from ...]" in non-screen session)
>$ # you can now exit the ssh session the IA upload task will still be running until it finishes
>$ # check running tasks with "ps aux | grep -v "args\|grep" | grep pony"
>$ # if you want, return to screen session via "screen -r" then detach again via "ctrl+ad"
Also I caught a command from with "ps aux | grep..."; it uses curl which I guess is better than using "wget --spider...":
>curl -s -m 60 -X POST --data-urlencode url= -d if_not_archived_within=157680000 -H Accept: application/json -H Authorization: LOW api:key

More on
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg 20240103134752 text/html 404 QYPOPDNN5X7JCZJQWXIUH42YBHBJ4E6L - - 1037 2947403670 archiveteam_archivebot_go_20240103145919_979e7207/

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