Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 11:45 No.9248 del
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Though I think it is already taken care of, I will post a notice here. For anyone lurking or wishing to visit or get some keepsake for that site one last time. Ponychan is set to go down today. It maybe minuets, hours (or, as some wonder, lol, grance period and randomly in a few days.) I am aware people are reacting to it already, but... IDK, feels right to make this be the first death notice here.

Reading through there has left me haunted and sad to some extent. Stayed up way to late and even posted a few times. They certainly weren't quite my type of people (well, a lot of them) but I am so used to the place just existing and continuing on. It feels weird to think this place will be... gone.

If anyone from ponychan happens to pass by, feel free to contribute any memory or thing related to the site. Interested in testimonies and a basic timeline as well, etc.

Amidst the fire that was put out, a few embers remain:
Will they take off or will that be just another Who knows!? But I will keep a lose radar on them. might as well, it being the main established remnant still kicking.

I believe you don't have to panic:

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