Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 06:32 No.9275 del
(3.70 KB 125x125 mtr_1703036702077.jpg)

>32 days
uptime of that computer is now approx. 43 days.

Will see how this goes:
$ cd /z1/data/4443494/; find -type f | sort | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do date -u; ~/Downloads/ia upload 755cd7b3662ae68182e8f46411b98b "$args" --checksum --metadata=[...] --metadata="mediatype:data" --metadata="collection:opensource_media"; date -u; done' _
Update: now hashing "".

Image from not in wbm
- index ./warc/006/
> 1704681909 - - YKLOKFMHC3EJHLIXKSGTWK6F5YW4CZ6P 4806 3667003 <urn:uuid:e9299fc6-fe5d-4b08-a5c2-f77803377607>
- http status ./warc/006/
>2024-01-07 19:45:09,517 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘’: 200 OK. Length: 3786 [image/jpeg].

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