Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 06:44 No.9327 del
I basically found it!
>curl -X POST '‘ --output
Maybe there was more documentation on that API elsewhere.

Another sad thing about all of those post bodies being gone: think of all the YouTube links to pony music videos and other videos which may have only existed in = all gone now. And if the videos are totally gone also then that data and associated posts have been completely memory-holed or have disappeared without a trace. Many of the threads in PMV Today Forum have been memory-holed (if not saved to wbm or whatever years ago), but there's still a trace of what was.

grab-site with input_file with 200,000 lines works. IIRC, if it had 400,000 lines it wouldn't work. I think I now have all of the oldest threads in PMV Today from ""