Anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 16:34 No.9366 del
I downloaded this channel -- "The PMV Hub" -- and it's like 3GB. Sounds like it is mostly or all 2010s/2020s *pop* music PMVs. Also has EQG PMVs, which I didn't watch. Maybe it would be correct to say that is has PMVs of non-popular tracks in the specific pop music genre, so it's like for those who are really fans of pop music. (I wasn't really interested in what I heard; BTW, I do like some pop music, such as some tracks in Non Stop Pop FM/100.7 FM and some tracks from Ke$ha, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, et al.) Image=./youtube/The_PMV_Hub_UCWLvzM3gKftHn3ODyCeyIBg/MLP_-_FiM_-_Message_in_a_Bottle_PMV-The_PMV_Hub-20231210-youtube-1920x1080-lxFonBeID0Q.png


I've used ia, "A command line interface to" Two versions, incl. ia version 3.5.0 (which is what I was using):

I've had some serious problems using ia, and updating ia probably won't help. Problem I have: seems that now, it usually doesn't really work over ssh. Cannot upload larger files. Recently failed (laptop crashed/shitty battery) twice at ninety something percent on uploading a 5 gigabyte file. Before those two events, it often died when trying to upload. I also used sshfs with BitTorrent in the past: similar problems with shitty tech. The laptop can handle pretty much anything else and not die, but stuff regarding IO-intensive Internet-related ssh stuff crashes it. Network setup: router/modem->wifi to->laptop->ethernet cable to->desktop computer which only accesses the Internet via said Ethernet cable. Uploading done like this: laptop[/ssh]/wifi/Internet<->ethernet<->computer/HDD<->ia in GNU Screen. It's inconvenient, but I guess I'll have to sftp the files before using ia to upload. Before doing this, I could try just using TTY (plus screen turn off >>9244 "echo -ne "\033[9;5]" > /dev/tty#"): maybe that would help. This is like a flaw in HTTP. With popular P2P data, the contents is SHA1-hashed in pieces with BitTorrent or multihashed in chunks with IPFS, so that enables fault-tolerant uploading and downloading. (Just get a bunch of typically 256K to 32M parts of the data which anyone can do; not everyone can upload/download 5GB, 50GB, 100GB, etc. all in one go.) Filerun is non-P2P (ran in websites as HTTP+HTML+whatever) and you can resume an incomplete upload; however, I've seen that screw up before. (Filerun probably doesn't usually screw-up when resuming a failed upload, but it doesn't happen.) doesn't have an option to resume a failed upload of a file (like you uploaded 97% of a 5GB file and want to upload only the last 3% after connection lost). Why? I suspect because that sort of upload resuming is flawed and definitely imperfect, so it isn't really "archive quality".

>Pony Waifu Cover [has a quarter million views]
After reading, I see that some users really like that song. I don't think that track is super amazing or outstanding, but it's pretty great.