Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 06:25 No.9373 del
>30-day temp share from host
Neat, can also upload via CLI:
>$ curl -F "file=@./t/audio/music/IRON MAIDEN - DISCOGRAPHY (1980-15) [CHANNEL NEO]/[1980] Iron Maiden [1998 Remastered]/01 - Prowler.mp3" # no "@" = adds path text (~140 bytes) and not multi-megabyte binary file
>{"Name":"01 - Prowler.mp3","Hash":"QmQxz3V2MEN5VLfaWE3k2pJCfghRtSfBEoX1jS2cnpYsVA","Size":"9450309"}
>$ # also pinned in 2nd laptop computer where uptime=13-00:27:16

tty with no GUI ("sudo systemctl stop gdm") then uploading the same way with ia: 1 success, 2 fails. Now the downstream computer cannot access the Internet ( - tried these fixes, didn't work). I pinged but always get "100% packet loss".

There was this other MLP-related myBB-like forums thing I was going to get. I'll have to check older posts to see its link. Enumeration completed so far on pmvtoday: 1 to in folder "...-1w200s3_next_200000_1.txt-2024-01-15-57844e71". Image from folder bafybeid...lf7a.