Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 06:28 No.9383 del
When downloading "VITAS874 UCYcRqYLqVIUBthOE2A0pJHA" - non-serious errors showing up between
>2024-01-18T06:08:28.390848063Z videos, descriptions, thumbnails, info JSON with comments, and any subtitles downloaded
>2024-01-18T06:17:49.204282167Z video metadata downloaded
= this message, 38 times:
>_: 1: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
cat $ids | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do fname=$(yt-dlp --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames --skip-download --get-filename -o "%(title)s-%(channel)s-%(upload_date)s-%(extractor)s-%(resolution)s-%(id)s.apimeta.txt" -- $args 2>>1error1.log.txt); curl -sL "$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=snippet,id,contentDetails,liveStreamingDetails,localizations,player,recordingDetails,statistics,status,topicDetails&id=$args" > $fname; done' _
$ echo "Throw communists out of helicopters." | xargs -d " " sh -c 'for args do echo a > $empty; done' _ 2>&1 | head -n3
_: 1: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
_: 1: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
_: 1: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
$ # thought: occurs if $fname is empty

Video from