Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 09:08 No.9396 del
>>9393 says "[a bunch of crap, no newlines]" so I'll type what I've covered:
, mode , LastWriteTime , Length , Name
, ------ , 10/10/2011 7:41 AM , 18461980 , CMC_tribute.flv
, -a---- , 11/5/2012 7:58 AM , 22276689 , MLP-Tetris.flv
, ------ , 10/23/2011 9:58 AM , 18068179 , PMV_ChopSuey.flv

You might be interested to know that this shows the timestamp to the milisecond and also the timezone (run this in cmd.exe):
>wmic datafile where name="C:\\path\\to\\file" list/format:list
for files and
>wmic fsdir where name="C:\\path\\to\\folder" list/format:list
for folders

Doesn't work (404, bad gateway):

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