Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 10:30 No.9398 del
>[total size of requested files (120 GB) is too large for zip-on-the-fly]
Some URLs from there which are seen as deleted today, were live in 2020, and are not in Wayback Machine:
>2020-12-19 17:28:20,570 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘’: 200 OK. Length: 361266 [video/webm].
>2020-12-19 17:19:33,412 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:20:20,136 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:28:25,201 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:28:23,668 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:19:50,994 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:28:24,023 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘’: 200 OK. Length: 179611 [image/png].

Text from part of
>$ curl -sL | head -n5000


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