Anon 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:00 No.9418 del
>I think I first saw that MLP_AplsnPsych or a PMV with same music diff. video years ago
I only know of this one implementation, which is also in the PMV/video thread nearby in the catalog here.

>In that case, I recommend doing this:
>1. Install Cygwin

Not interested.
I did look up what the deal with WMIC was, and Macro Shaft wants to shift the script kiddies from using sound, reasonable CLI tools to learning Powers Hell to achieve identical results. IE, it was in the name of cybersecurity.

Get-ChildItem <file> -Force | Select-Object FullName, CreationTime, LastWriteTime is the new hotness.

And no new information was added, so I'm not repeating that output here.