Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 07:22 No.9423 del
>Get-ChildItem -Force | Select-Object FullName, CreationTime, LastWriteTime is the new hotness.
So I think that only gets the timestamp to as specific as the minute. explorer.exe > show properties of a file > time resolution is more specific, down to the second, but that is GUI, so not easy to use with a bunch of files (explorer also puts some weird non-printing characters in the timestamp parts of file properties windows).

>not interested in getting file timestamps down to the second, millisecond, time zone
This is where our interests differ. I'm the type of guy who's annoyed that Endchan only shows post timestamps down the minute and not second (but I am posting here so evidently I don't care that much about it). Specific metadata=lost.