Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 14:36 No.9427 del
>Maybe search for it in wbm snapshots of YouTube from years ago. >>9123 what's the timestamp on MLP-Tetris.flv in your device?
So, it is that particular .flv this thread is searching for right, and it is in the webm catalog here? Hmmmmmmmmmm... I would like a link but that seems familiar to me.

/endpone/ has a local vol? Who knew?
Thanks whomever you are.

Foalcon is the one taboo I will never get over. I don't consider it to be one on one with edophilia. Just grosses me out from the idea of it and makes me want to protect Apple Bloom like some Russian anons would, lol.

>And no, I'm running "ameliorated" windows so all the needed components for WSL, and some other things, have been ripped out.
Ameliorated Windows? I don't know if that is the smartest idea. It just feels like a really vulerable way to go about things, at least from what I know, Windows Defender not working and all the safeguards gone. Now, I am not giving you grief, the safeguards are also spyware, but, my next point... isn't Windows 10 sort of spyware at a more fundamental level? I have always thought something like Windows 7 behind a external firewall that only whitelisted a few sites or something would be safer.

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