Anon 01/23/2024 (Tue) 09:27 No.9434 del
(89.65 KB 600x600 1v4xB.png)
>If I can't, I can recover most of that set of torrents from this other slow local HDD (hope it doesn't die in the process)
Looks like that "backup" HDD died today. It worked for a while days/weeks ago. I unplugged it a day or two ago because it wasn't being used for a while, plugged it in today, two bad clicks, "disk" showed up for that in "lsblk" then disappeared ("NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS[...]sdd 8:48 0 4.5T 0 disk" - soon later, sdd no longer showed up in lsblk). Shouldn't have unplugged it. Seems to not be much of a lose because that almost-full 5TB HDD has most of its data saved on other drive(s), if I'm not mistaken.

Another deleted Imgur image not in WBM:
>2012-08-01-00-31-11 -

>QACGr.png [also keyword "4chan"]
Referenced here according to - get pages:
$ lynx -source | grep "" | grep jsonp | sed "s/.* //g" | sed "s/\"//g" really puts all of its pages on separate files like