Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 00:16 No.9460 del
Looking for something in the previous thread and saw this text...

>(1.25 MB 1600x1440 1774610__safe_artist-colon-dimwitdo...)
>In fact. Getchan, a site that split off of ponychan and later absorbed Lunachan has just recently died and merged into bunkerchan, a 8chan leftypol bunker.
Didn't know that.

>[ I didn't read most of this 01/25/2022 post in ipfs://bafybeif7akj4qbwymtyz3gr7ea3vyeclzu3yszp44vluqzsuqxzzx7y4ge/go1/ ]
>This is the second group I alluded to. It would be given instructions on the basis of distributed actions. Say, no one wants to spend their day archiving a website on archive today but if a dozen chip in a archive 5 pages that would helpful.
>distributed actions
Decentralized alternative to Wayback Machine = InterPlanetary Wayback:
. feed it warc files, this software works in Windows 7, also (to a lesser degree) it's an alternative to
. (that guy's username, oduwsdl, sounds like this one AT guy)


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