Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 16:20 No.9526 del
(442.08 KB 800x1200 1.png)
Here's "Mine's Got Rocks In" (131M) - I think someone was looking for this in /pag/:
. /za/put/
.. basically links to

I may already have a WARC of this ZIP file from that URL, so here's the extracted version:
Crappy drawing from

>For some reason, wayback machine is now hiding where the files are stored.
>> being gay
>not the first time that's happened; more proof:
I have likely thousands of these files, downloaded before that data was hidden:
>$ cat /z9/put/
>com,google,drive)/uc?id=1nmi8romksvoqfzgchh8uzx2qhztlzcju 20210913215900 text/html 302 5U3TPXIJJUMKETOPKYRBHFHGXRZHJUXQ - - 1156 4332074612 archiveteam_googledrive_20210913215946_3de67d1f/googledrive_20210913215946_3de67d1f.megawarc.warc.gz

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