Anon 02/07/2024 (Wed) 11:20 No.9530 del
(1.01 MB 800x1200 2.png)
>image, Mine's Got Rocks In
Funny text. Here's the only other image in that same subfolder at

Apparently that ZIP from that link is an incomplete version of "Mine's Got Rocks In It" which is partly lost media; more on that:

I do have thousands of those files; I'm creating an "easy to use dataset" for them. Received CDX files were one of the following:
(1) empty file, from HTTP 200
(2) non-empty file, from HTTP 200
(3) BAD: empty file, from connection failed/refused/whatever
(4) BAD: non-empty file, from HTTP 429, file=

Because they (to folder "/za/put/cdx/") weren't saved as WARC, I can't really tell if it is an empty file due to (1) or (3). (Don't know which case resulted in the empty file.) I'll also have sidecar files for each file to specify the mtime of the file as a Unix Epoch, so everyone can know when that url from wbm was downloaded.