Anon 02/10/2024 (Sat) 08:51 No.9562 del
Or at least repeat what he said. I know some can be sensitive about stuff.

>story behind text
Cringe. Foalcon of a IRL person, feels like some moral line crossed. Maybe I am being too much of a moralfag... seems like bridgefag or someone here or some altchan place had a really good opinion on this topic.

Still, archiving the story behind that, as awkward and stupid as it is, still is a worthy endeavor. Just because: too many stories and little interactions become heresay in time. Context lost, and words twisted.

>Diamond Tiara and Wind Sprint
You're telling me they were stored together for some reason? Site is IP blocked for me, weirdly Tor and otherwise.

Wondering if most posts should be saged to preserve bump limit. Thread can last as long as it needs to and be bumped when appropriate.