Anon Board owner 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:48 No.9576 del
Oh, I agree it should be, at least count as something. As much as tumblr in the early 2010s weakened and strained such a discourse of harassment with whiny screams and claims of everything = digital rape. I do think some moral line is crossed with something like that.

When you have encountered the situation a artist who used to depict mirrors personal OCs in various sexual situations to mess with them, it is the kind of thing that should creep you out. Now, will I be leading the crusade to purge Wind Sprint clop from the face of the internet? No. This is a long dead controversy and I'll just let sleeping dogs lay. It is good to keep some sense of this and such a thing is not moralfaging unless in the sense of having some moral backbone aside from the semi-nihilistic mass of the worst of "chan" culture. Not everyone means it that way, but in some places that is where it devolves too.

> seems like bridgefag or someone here or some altchan place had a really good opinion on this topic.
I'll have to take a look through the posts. I do recall weighing on this, but not, here on /endpone/.