Anon 02/20/2024 (Tue) 00:45 No.9614 del
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>Little Dark Age PMVs. That meme unto itself feels weird mixed with MLP.
Guess I never knew that was a meme.

>webpage restored at ...
Better restored version of (took a while, warc + edited raw for "PMV | Little Dark Age | My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"):

Watch that deleted video here - it has everything except the pfps in the comments (also, video=720p, not 1080p):
^comments and everything does load on that, but only outside of WBM

$ url=""
$ urlsafe=$(echo "$url" | sed "s/:\|\/\|?\|=\|&\|(\|)\|,\|+\|'\|*\|%\|#/-/g")
$ utc; TZ=UTC wget -p --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --warc-max-size=99123456 --warc-cdx -e robots=off --warc-file=$urlsafe $url 1>1wget1.txt 2>1wget2.txt; utc
$ # no more file.css?blah or file.js@blah >>9597, some stuff with wombat init in main HTML, some stuff with format=html comments path in watch.js
pfp from

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