Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 23:08 No.9652 del
>I installed [grab-site] in the other Linux computer. It didn't work in that one.
Seems to be a DNS problem:
>$ grab-site --debug
DEBUG WARC file at /tmp/a/
DEBUG Writing WARC record warcinfo.
ERROR Fetching ‘’ encountered an error: DNS resolution error: The resolution lifetime expired after 5.006 seconds: Server Do53: answered The DNS operation timed out.
DEBUG Increment error DNS resolution error: The resolution lifetime expired after 5.006 seconds: Server Do53: answered The DNS operation timed out.
DEBUG Marking URL status Status.error.
DEBUG Put 1 poison pill to trigger more workers.
DEBUG Early close session.
Finished grab 8fe0299c2dead257ccd7fbc0abaa7255 with exit code 4
Output is in directory:
However when I ran
>$ wget --spider
it redirected to and said HTTP 200, so I think the DNS issue is specific to grab-site and software specificly related to it. Image from