Anon 02/27/2024 (Tue) 08:38 No.9655 del
>>I spent some amount more than $400 on 3 more HDDs.
>Capacity? Curious from price to GB ratio.
BestBuy... I think it was like 26 USD per terabyte for a 5TB external HDD. It was approximately 19 USD per terabyte for an 18TB external HDD. (External HDDs between 5 and 18 TB = some price between those prices, but not much of a deal IIRC.) Governments be like: "Taxation is part of the underlying nature of reality"

If I buy more 5TB external hard drives from BestBuy, I'm probably also going to buy the one or two year warrant. Because that shit does not last more than like 7 months if used constantly, so when the HDD fails I can get a replacement for free. (Unless the "limited warranty" contract or something prevents that.)

I'm peering with peerID QmcFf2FH3CEgTNHeMRGhN7HNHU1EXAxoEk6EFuSyXCsvRE for that (and everything else):
>$ ipfs swarm connect /dnsaddr/
but not for long, I suspect, since I didn't write it to the config file. Docs:
>Generally speaking, users running IPFS at home won't need to set up peering and can ignore this page!
>Peering is most helpful for nodes that have a lot of concurrent connections since it prevents the connection manager from dropping connections it thinks aren't "useful" any longer. If you find yourself running near the connection manager's limit, you may benefit from peering with content providers. --
Good to know, but probably I can ignore that in my case. I suspect that zero to few users are connecting to my stuff. ("connection manager"? where?)

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