Anon 03/12/2024 (Tue) 18:20 No.9822 del
>>9816 grab ended due to an unwanted reboot. Will have to use wpull or something if I want to keep trying at it. criu couldn't dump and couldn't restore that grab-site PID:
># criu restore --shell-job --tcp-established
>Error (criu/protobuf.c:72): Unexpected EOF on (empty-image)
># # ran that command in a folder with files core-29094.img core-29097.img ... tcp-stream-3e038.img tty-info.img
(By the way, helpful command in tty: '$ read -ei "$(command_here)" && $REPLY'.)

>Ponified Naruto Opening 4 GO!!
Some of the subtitles differ from the original OP, such as
>Let's go on a bucking spree and get the fire!
(intentional). This differs from some/all translations:
>A colorful crow came along, stole the map, and tore it up
ep.78 in this
says "international crow" in a difficult-to-read font (see the YT copy of the first part of that video)

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