Anon 03/15/2024 (Fri) 04:46 No.9860 del
2021 video not in TPA - "[PMV Pony Soul] [SFM] - Blinding Lights [ENG]":

I think ~years ago an anon was angry that Twibooru switched to using WebP image files for thumbnails. I would agree with him. Some of the reasons:
. webp doesn't work in older computers and operating systems or distros
. some websites do not render .webp, and if you try to look at the image in the browser it says "where do you want to download this?" instead

Folder which contains get links version 2024. (simple,playlist,hoverover,shift):
. shows selected IDs in a textarea element and not in alert()
. todo: thing to dedup IDs; show up without pressing anything or show up after pressing something like shift+ctrl

Record related to this Sunshine Daisy image (2019 webpage not in wbm before now):
> /z9/warc/012/

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