Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 11:37 No.9898 del
I've seen multiple comparison videos, such as
. attached, "King of the Hill" opening credits, pony parody, DhXbGInBQVw

Genre: tranime. Tearjerker "Naruto" episode:

Derpibooru user miky94c added the tag "source needed". Dumb. The source is right there.

Moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c8a0a6dfd9272c80e9fe43b49e4c435f3dd1312d&dn=4chan_gif_2023_01.tar
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSfZvN71A94n9CuQVn5fc9s6SJsAoTBxbd9vBNp44hV3b <- "ipfs add --chunker=size-1048576 -w 4chan_gif_2023_01.tar"
. size? 102.25 GiB for file "/ipfs/QmRPsARJh56L7WV8Uctk3QEjU21f4jWgh9pMuL8TfQf1wn 4chan_gif_2023_01.tar"; 116 GB on disk.
. (IPLD? QmRP...f1wn has 31746686976-byte top-level blocks)

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